What should I expect when I arrive?
We aim that everyone who comes through our doors will be welcomed. We are one church family that meets in 3 locations. In all 3 of our services we seek to:
- Read the Bible
- Preach the Bible in our sermons.
- Pray to God in our corporate prayer.
- Build one another up by singing hymns and songs.
- Honour the Lord Jesus Christ in our actions and our worship
- Regularly remember the Lord’s Supper / Communion (we aim to hold a Communion service at least once a week across the Benefice)

Whichever church you visit you should receive a warm welcome, and it should be easy to follow along with the service. At each church you will have access to a service sheet which will guide you through what is happening, a Bible so that you can read God’s word, and a news sheet that shares our latest news. At our churches, song words are usually projected onto screens overhead. Hospitality is another key element of our work together, and so after each service refreshments including hot drinks and biscuits are served.
Where can I park?
None of our churches have a car park, but all three have free on-road parking. If walking from the road is likely to be a problem for you, please do contact us as there are some places where passengers can be dropped off before parking.
When should I arrive?
The services start at the time advertised, so it’s helpful to arrive a bit before to get yourself settled. However, please don’t worry if you’re running a bit late – it’s absolutely no problem, and you’ll still be given a very warm welcome.
Does it cost anything?
No – the service and refreshments are all free.
Do I need to bring anything?
No – everything you’ll need will be given to you as you arrive. There are also toys available for children which they can play with in the creche or bring to your seat (these are in ‘Busy Bags’). Any song words or things we might say together that you need to know will be given to you (song words are in hymn books or projected on screen). You’ll also be given a Bible – either on arrival or in your seat. We’ll give you any page numbers you need, so you don’t need to know where different things are in the Bible.
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in! There’s no dress code. Some people feel more comfortable dressing smartly for church and so some people will be wearing suits/smart clothes. Others come in their jeans or shorts and flip flops. Football shirts are not uncommon, especially among our young people! Please come as you are.
How will I know where to sit?
All our churches have pews (a bit like indoor benches) and you’re welcome to sit wherever you see a space. There will be people to welcome you as you arrive and help point you to somewhere to sit if that’s helpful for you.
Are there toilets/baby changing facilities?
Our churches are quite old and, as such, at Stanton and Dale Abbey toilets are a short walk from the church and there is space to use a changing mat for a baby, but unfortunately not in the toilets.
At Risley there are two toilets in the buildings, and both have enough space to change a baby. When you arrive, we’ll let you know where those are – or just ask anybody at any time and they’ll be able to show you.
Who do I ask if I’m not sure of something?
Anybody in our churches will be very happy to help you! As you arrive, there will be people to welcome you and they’re great people to ask any practical questions.
You’ll be able to identify the Clergy as they’ll be wearing white collars – they’re really happy to help you with anything and especially if you have questions about the Christian faith or something personal you would like to talk about.
Do I have to be a Christian to come? What if I’m not comfortable with something?
Everybody is welcome, regardless of any faith you may or may not have. You’re very welcome. There are times in our services where we sing together or say things together – if you’re not comfortable joining in with those, there is no embarrassment at all in not joining in.
Sometimes in our services we have something called Communion where people go up to the front and are given some bread and wine to remember Jesus’ death on the cross. If you don’t yet trust in Jesus then you’re very welcome to just come up for a prayer or to stay in your seat – there’s absolutely no pressure to do anything you’re not comfortable with.
We’d love to chat to you about what you think or any objections you might have to Christianity – no question or thought is too silly or offensive!
My child has additional needs – are you able to cater for that?
We have several children with different needs and we do our absolute best to meet their needs and make them feel safe, comfortable and valued. When you arrive, you could ask to chat to the person leading the children’s work that day and explain to them how best to help your child. You’re welcome to stay with your child to help them settle if you think that would help them.
You’re also very welcome to contact us ahead of time to have a chat and help us understand how we can best support your child.
A child in my care can’t be on social media/the internet
Absolutely not – only children who have signed consent forms are included in photographs or our livestream. At Stanton, where the service is livestreamed, so if you could let us know at the beginning of the service then if there are any points where your child wants to come to the front (maybe to join in with action songs) we can turn the camera away. There’s no live streaming at Risley or Dale Abbey.
Do you do ‘The Peace’?
The Peace is a part of the Communion service sometimes used in some churches, and which some people find difficult. We don’t use that part of the service in our Communion services, but of course, we do encourage being at peace with people!
Do I need to book?
Not at all, please feel free to just turn up. If you’d like to chat to someone before coming, or you’d like to let us know you’re coming so we can look out for you, please do contact us using the details on our contact page.
I think I might like to try it, but I’m still feeling unsure…
That’s completely understandable! Going anywhere new can feel overwhelming. Please do feel free to contact us with any other questions you might have. In coming you’re not signing up to anything, and there’s no obligation to come again.
We’d love to see you, so if there’s anything we can do to help you feel more comfortable about coming along please do let us know.

Have you considered attending an enquirer’s course?
All of our enquirers courses are informal and relaxed. They’re for anyone who wants to think about the meaning of life. They’re run by ordinary people local to you and are completely free. You don't need to know anything about the Bible and you won't be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like or you can just sit and listen. Currently, we run two courses: Hope Explored or Christianity Explored.

Do you have questions about what the Christian faith is all about? The Christianity Explored Course is a great place to start! Christianity Explored is an informal course for people who’d like to investigate Christianity, or just brush up on the basics. It explores who Jesus is and why it matters! We do this by looking through Mark’s Gospel – an eyewitness account of the life of Jesus. Lots of people across the Benefice have completed the Christianity Explored course over recent years and it is highly recommended!
If you would like to join the next course, please let us know by completing the contact form here.

There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?
Hope Explored looks at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. This three-session series shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present. Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests and is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. First run in our Benefice in 2022, this course has been very well received.
If you would like to join the next course, please let us know by completing the contact form here.

Have you ever wondered why are we here? Why are things the way they are? Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? What about the future? I’ve you’ve had any of those questions, the Discover course is for you! Just 5, one-hour sessions of discussion and looking at the Bible trying to answer those questions. If you would like to join the next course by completing the contact form here.
… and if you’re interested in joining a course, please contact us at the church office.
All of our enquirers courses are informal and relaxed. They’re for anyone who wants to think about the meaning of life. They’re run by ordinary people local to you and are completely free. You don't need to know anything about the Bible and you won't be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like or you can just sit and listen. Currently, we run two courses: Hope Explored or Christianity Explored.

Do you have questions about what the Christian faith is all about? The Christianity Explored Course is a great place to start! Christianity Explored is an informal course for people who’d like to investigate Christianity, or just brush up on the basics. It explores who Jesus is and why it matters! We do this by looking through Mark’s Gospel – an eyewitness account of the life of Jesus. Lots of people across the Benefice have completed the Christianity Explored course over recent years and it is highly recommended!
If you would like to join the next course, please let us know by completing the contact form here.

There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?
Hope Explored looks at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. This three-session series shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present. Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests and is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. First run in our Benefice in 2022, this course has been very well received.
If you would like to join the next course, please let us know by completing the contact form here.

Have you ever wondered why are we here? Why are things the way they are? Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? What about the future? I’ve you’ve had any of those questions, the Discover course is for you! Just 5, one-hour sessions of discussion and looking at the Bible trying to answer those questions. If you would like to join the next course by completing the contact form here.
… and if you’re interested in joining a course, please contact us at the church office.
What are people in our church saying…
“We found Christianity Explored to be a great way to learn more about the basics of the Christian Faith, led by Rico Tice, one of the best speakers I have heard. There was no pressure to contribute in any way but there was freedom to ask questions however simple or complex at any time. This was a truly inspiring experience.”
Roger and Sonia
“Tea and company is held once a month in Stanton and Dale and is where we meet with neighbours around great cake and a cuppa. We chat, eat cake, play games and quizzes, and once in a while allow Phil to speak! Everyone is welcome.”