Exodus 35-40: God’s grace reveals God’s glory

Join us as we complete our series in the book of Exodus - looking at the final 6 chapters, and seeing how God is a God of grace who gives second chances, meaning that God's people get to see his glory - the goal of our salvation!

Exodus 33-34 – Moses and the glory of God

Join Ralph as he takes us through these amazing chapters as we consider Moses and the glory of God.

Exodus 32-33:6 – Sin, punishment and mercy

Join us for our next instalment from the book of Exodus as we see the shock of Israel's sin, the punishment that is due, God's mercy, and how that all relates to us today.

Exodus 28-30 – The Priestly Wardrobe

This week we are looking at the Priestly Wardrobe, and learning how Jesus is our Tabernacle, Priest and Sacrifice.

Exodus 25-27 Looking back to Eden, and forward to our future home

This week we look at how the Exodus story points us back to Eden, and forward to our true future home. The details are amazing!

Exodus 24 What is the covenant?

This week we learn about the covenant – what it is, how important it is, and how it is fulfilled wonderfully for us in Jesus Christ.

Exodus 21-23 Living like we love him

Here we take the chapters that follow the Ten Commandments and work through them to see what ‘Living like we love him’ looks like in practice - as we do so we consider how these words apply to us given that we live as New Testament believers.

Exodus 19:6-20:26 Know God’s holiness, Know God’s grace

Join our guest preacher Rob Bridgewater as he teaches us from Exodus 19 and 20 about the need to Know God’s holiness, Know God’s grace, and Live Like we Love Him.

Exodus 17:8-19:6 Amalekites, Jethro and arrival at Sinai

Join Ralph as he teaches us from the book of Exodus about the Amalekites, Jethro and how the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai, and what this means for us today.

Exodus 15:22-17:7 Grumbling or Gratitude

Join us as we consider Exodus 15:22​-17:7 and ask the question 'How much do we trust God?'

Exodus 14-15:21 To the Eastern Shore

Come and learn more about how God rescues his people through the Red Sea and what that means for us today.

Exodus 12-13 Liberated for Service

Come and see the relevance of the Passover Story to New Testament believers as we marvel at the rescue won for us through the Lamb of God.

Exodus 7-11 God V Pharaoh

In this passage we see the battle between God and Pharaoh. There is one clear winner as we see the Lord show his power and might. Join us as we learn about the significance of the plagues, and what is going on with Pharaoh's hard heart.

Exodus 5 and 6 – When life gets harder, not better

God promises deliverance in the midst of hard times. Learn how the LORD brings deliverance with an outstretched arm.

Exodus 3 and 4 – What’s in a Name?

Who am I? Who is God? The answers to these questions are all tied to the true identity of the living God - I am!

Exodus 1 and 2 – A People and a Land

Our first in a new series on the book of Exodus. We see what it means that God remembers his covenant promises.