What’s on at SDR Churches

On this page you will find information about the latest meetings and events. If anything is unclear or you have concerns or questions please contact us. Details on the contact us page here.


Back to basics

Over Lent, we will be going through a sermon series on ‘Back to basics’ – spending time over 4 Sunday services looking at how to pray, how to read the Bible, how to come to church, and how to live for Jesus.

Sunday March 9th
✜ 9:00am All Saints Dale Abbey Communion
✜ 10:45am Stanton-by-Dale Morning Worship
✜ 4:00pm Risley@4

Sunday March 16th
✜ 9:00am Morning Worship at The Gateway, Dale Abbey
✜ 10:45am Stanton-by-Dale Communion
✜ 4:00pm Risley@4

Sunday March 23rd
✜ 9:00am All Saints Dale Abbey Communion
✜ 10:45 Stanton-by-Dale Morning Worship
✜ 4:00pm Risley@4 Communion

Sunday March 30th
Mothering Sunday (not part of the Back to Basics Series)
✜ 9:00am All Saints Dale Abbey Communion
✜ 10:45 Stanton-by-Dale All Age
✜ 4:00pm Risley@4 All Age

Sunday April 6th
✜ 9:00am All Saints Dale Abbey Morning Worship
✜ 10:45 Stanton-by-Dale Morning Worship
✜ 4:00pm Risley@4


Easter – April 2025

Come along over Easter and discover how these 7 words: ‘He is not here! He has risen!’ (Matthew 28:6) have changed the world and can now give you everything you ever wanted: love; freedom; significance; peace; meaning; happiness and security. We’d love to see you!

Sunday April 13th
Palm Sunday Benefice Service
✜ 10:45am Stanton-by-Dale Morning Worship
Palm Sunday Benefice Lunch, from 12:15pm
at The Old School, Stanton-by-Dale

Thursday April 17th
Maundy Thursday Service
✜ 7:45pm at The Gateway, Dale Abbey

Good Friday April 18th
✜ An hour at the Cross, All Saints, Risley, 2:00-3:00pm
with children’s crafts in Harrison’s Cottage

Sunday April 20th
Easter Sunday Services
✜ 6:00am Easter Morning Dawn Service, the Arch, Dale Abbey,
followed by refreshments at The Gateway
✜ 9:00am Easter Sunday All Age Celebration, with Communion, All Saints Risley
✜ 10:45am Benefice All Age Celebration, with Communion, Stanton-by-Dale,
followed by an Easter Egg Hunt in the Rectory Field

Sunday April 27th
✜ 9:00am Communion at Dale Abbey
✜ 10:45 Stanton-by-Dale Morning Worship
✜ 4:00pm Risley@4


Victory in Europe (VE) Day – MAY 4

Join us as we remember and give thanks for Victory in Europe (VE) Day, marking the 80th anniversary. Services are as follows:

Sunday May 4th
✜ 9:00am Dale Communion
✜ 10:45am Stanton-by-Dale All Age Worship
✜ 4:00pm Risley@4 All Age Worship


God’s household the church –
a blueprint

Join us as we return to look further at Paul’s letter to Timothy and consider how we should be living as a church, God’s household. We will be challenged to be gospel-centred in everything we do: how we lead; how we worship; and how we care for each other as God’s family.

Sunday May 11th
✜ 10:30am Benefice Service at Stanton by Dale, followed by Benefice lunch, and further teaching input on 1 Timothy 2.

What are people in our church saying…

“We generally attend Church in Stanton by Dale, but our Home Group is in Risley, giving us connections across the whole Benefice. The group is quite informal, always starting with coffee and a catch up followed by a discussion about the last teaching in Church, the lead is often shared between group members. The Home Group is a great way to meet with friends, new people and with God.”

Glynn and Elaine

“We really value youth work and our young people in the Benefice. ‘Heroes’ and ‘Impact’ are great places for asking questions and working through what it means to live for Jesus as a younger person in the 21st century.”

Phil Selby

“I enjoy acting out the Bible stories and doing the craft at JAM Club. The leaders are lovely!”
